Books – Research

Books – Other

  • Flynn, J. (2015). Senza alibi: Il cambiamento climatico – impedire la catastrofe [Translation of No place to hide: Spend an evening to learn all about climate change]. Torino, Italy: Bollati Boringhieri, 176p.
  • Flynn, J. (2002). Looking behind the Appearances. Dunedin: University of Otago Press, 22p.

Book chapters – Research

  • James R. Flynn, “Intelligence, Society and Human Autonomy” in Robert J. Sternberg (ed.), The Nature of Human Intelligence, Cambridge University Press, 2018.
  • Flynn, J. R. (2015). The march of reason: What was hidden in our genes. In S. Goldstein, D. Princiotta & J. A. Naglieri (Eds.), Handbook of intelligence: Evolutionary theory, historical perspective, and current concepts. (pp. 471-485). Springer.
  • Flynn, J. R. (2013). Intelligence. In B. Kaldis (Ed.), Encyclopedia of philosophy and the social sciences. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. [Encyclopaedia/Dictionary Entry].
  • Flynn, J. R., & Blair, C. (2013). The history of intelligence: New spectacles for developmental psychology. In P. D. Zelazo (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of developmental psychology: Body and mind (Vol. 1). (pp. 765-790). Oxford University Press.
  • Flynn, J. R. (2013). The Flynn effect. In D. S. Dunn (Ed.), Oxford bibliographies in psychology. Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/OBO/9780199828340-0150
  • Flynn, J. (2012). Flynn effect. In J. Banks (Ed.), Encyclopedia of diversity in education (Vol. 2). (pp. 922-927). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. doi: 10.4135/9781452218533.n293
  • Flynn, J. R. (2011). Black youth: The lost boys. In N. E. Hill, T. L. Mann & H. E. Fitzgerald (Eds.), African American children and mental health: Development and context (Vol. 1). (pp. 29-62). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
  • Flynn, J. R. (2011). Secular changes in intelligence. In R. J. Sternberg & S. B. Kaufman (Eds.), Cambridge handbook of intelligence. (pp. 647-665). Cambridge University Press.
  • Flynn, J. R. (2011). Flynn Effect. In J. S. Kreutzer, J. DeLuca & B. Caplan (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology. (pp. 1061-1065). New York: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-0-387-79948-3_1074
  • Flynn, J. R. (2009). Howard Gardner and the use of words. In B. Shearer (Ed.), MI at 25: Assessing the impact and future of multiple intelligences for teaching and learning. (pp. 56-68). New York: Teacher’s College Press.
  • Flynn, J. R. (2009). The ideology of social democracy: The despotic state vs. the despotic market. In M. Francis & J. Tully (Eds.), In the public interest: Essays in honour of Professor Keith Jackson. (pp. 189-202). Christchurch, New Zealand: Canterbury University Press.
  • Flynn, J. (2008). Asian Americans: Achievement well beyond IQ. In J. Raven (Ed.), Uses and abuses of intelligence: Studies advancing Spearman and Raven’s quest for non-arbitrary metrics. (pp. 415-430). New York: Royal Fireworks Press.
  • Flynn, J. R. (2008). The history of the American mind in the 20th century: A scenario to explain IQ gains over time and a case for the irrelevance of g. In P. C. Kyllonen, R. D. Roberts & L. Stankov (Eds.), Extending intelligence: Enhancement and new constructs. (pp. 207-222). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Flynn, J. R. (2008). Luria und das Paradox massiver IQ-Gewinne längs der Zeit [Luria and the paradox of massive IQ gains over time]. In G. W. Oesterdiekhoff & H. Rindermann (Eds.), Kultur und Kognition: Die Beiträge von Psychometrie und Piaget-Psychologie zum Verständnis kultureller Unterschiede [Intelligence and culture: The approaches of psychometrics and Piaget-psychology towards understanding culture compared]. (pp. 111-132). Munster, Germany: Lit Verlag.
  • Flynn, J. R. (2008). IQ controversy. In W. A. Darity (Ed.), International encyclopedia of the social sciences. (2nd ed.) (pp. 139-142). Detroit, MI: Macmillan Reference.
  • Flynn, J. (2008). Excerpts from: “How to defend humane ideals”. In J. Raven (Ed.), Uses and abuses of intelligence: Studies advancing Spearman and Raven’s quest for non-arbitrary metrics. (pp. 556-567). New York: Royal Fireworks Press.
  • Flynn, J. R. (2007). Arthur Jensen. In J. Moore (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Race and Racism (Vol. 2). USA: Macmillan Reference.
  • Flynn, J. R. (2007). The America who would be king: In praise of moral restraint or concerns of an acolyte of Thomas Hobbes. In D. B. MacDonald, R. G. Patman & B. Mason-Parker (Eds.), The ethics of foreign policy. (pp. 39-52). Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
  • Flynn, J. R. (2006). O efeito Flynn: Repensando a inteligência e aquilo que a afeta [The effect Flynn: Repensando the intelligence and what the affects]. In C. Flores-Mendoza & R. Colom (Eds.), Introdução À psicologia das diferenças individuais. (pp. 387-411). Porto Alegre, Brazil: Artmed.
  • Flynn, J. R. (2005). The IQ debate. In C. Mitcham (Ed.), The encyclopedia of science, technology, and ethics. (Vol.2 ed.) (pp. 1057-1061). Detroit, USA: Macmillan Reference.
  • Flynn, J. R. (2004). The sociology of IQ: Enhancing cognitive skills. In M. Olssen (Ed.), Culture and learning: Access and opportunity in the classroom. (pp. 257-278). USA: Information Age Publishing.
  • Flynn, J. (2000). IQ gains, WISC subtests and fluid g: g theory and the relevance of Spearman’s hypothesis to race (followed by discussion). In G. R. Bock, J. A. Goode & K. Webb (Eds.), Nature of Intelligence (Novartis Foundation Symposium 233). (pp. 202-227). New York: Wiley.
  • Flynn, J. (1999). IQ trends over time: intelligence, race, and meritocracy. In K. Arrow, S. Bowles & S. Durlauf (Eds.), Meritocracy and Economic Inequality. (pp. 35-60). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Flynn, J. (1998). The schools: IQ tests, labels, and the word “intelligence”. In J. S. Carlson, J. Kingma & W. Tomic (Eds.), Advances in Cognition and Educational Practice, Volume 5, Conceptual Issues in Research on Intelligence. (pp. 13-42). London: JAI Press.
  • Flynn, J. (1998). IQ gains over time: toward finding the causes. In U. Neisser (Ed.), The Rising Curve: Long Term Gains in IQ and Related Measures. (pp. 25-66). Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association.
  • Flynn, J. (1996). Scots, the physiological correlates of IQ, and the Milwaukee Project. In D. K. Detterman (Ed.), Current Topics in Human Intelligence, Vol 5: The Environment. (pp. 197-210). Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Publishing.
  • Flynn, J. R. (1996). What environmental factors affect intelligence: The relevance of IQ gains over time. In The environment. (pp. 17–29). Ablex Publishing.
  • Flynn, J. R. (1987). Race and IQ: Jensen’s case refuted. In Arthur Jensen: Consensus and controversy (pp. 221–232). Falmer Press Lewes, England.
  • Flynn, J. R. (1987). Flynn replies to Nichols. In Arthur Jensen: Consensus and controversy (pp. 234–235). Falmer Press Lewes, England.